Second Session - Oh no this is awful!
So during the last week in February Cindy went into York District for her second session of chemo. We were hoping that this would be as easy as the first lot when she was in an out of hospital very quickly, but unfortunately it wasn't.
Cindy eventually came out of hospital after ten days - during which she was the worst she has ever been. It turned out that she had had a chest infection which was treated with antibiotics, but for a while things looked very bleak indeed.
After a couple of days she was moved to a private room on a different ward - which was better because the children could go and visit her. They don't like going into the normal 6 beds wards, because they are so full of sick-looking people. Cindy gradually picked up and eventually came home. She was still very weak and extremely tired.
One good thing that has come out of it, is that she has been given a nebuliser, which helps a great deal with her breathing. She's now able to go up stairs without wheezing.