Hey Toby here. Been fidilling with car over the last week or so and today it got its first sort of run. I've had a few short ones in the alley before, a minute or so, just to test the settings. This evening though I took out the front and drove around the street. I took it up and down and jumped it up and down the pavement, great fun! Grandpa, Dad and John watched. It still isn't going its best but nearly there. Hopefully going to go down to the knavesmire tommorrow and give it a proper drive.

Todays, was only about five minutes, but it was dark and I didn't want any cars to come and crunch it. I still haven't let the car hit top speed yet, there isn't enough room on our short road, I don't think it has even hit 2nd! Hopefully knaversmire will go sucessfully and dad can have a go. Well maybe a short go! Hope you like the pics, just a few quick snaps of it in my kitchen. Update you soon and maybe a few pics of it on the knavesmire.


See ya