Craft & Engineering Afternoon
John has gone off to a birthday party - pizza and then ten pin bowling. We're having mussels for tea, and he likes them so much he insisted I do him some for his lunch. He didn't like them at all, he told me, they were absolutely disgusting. As shown by his licked clean plate.
Rose and Cindy have been making clothes for the rag doll that Rose has made. The rag doll is called Jane because it is similar to one that Jane, my sister, had, that Rose has seen at Mary's. She has got her name embroidered onto her dungarees.
Toby and I have been busy mending his car that I broke last weekend. All gone together now thank goodness. He's also mended the puncture on his bike that meant he had to walk his paper round a couple of times this week. He even borrowed my bike for one morning - not sure I'm keen on that!
He's just about to check the car still works - slowly - in the back lane.