On Sunday evening there was a Taizé service in the Minster for the Week of Christian Unity, or something, and Meeting had been asked to find some "young people" to light a candle. Toby and Luke and Millie Holman were asked and we all went along.

All the chairs are out of the Minster at the moment , and they had arranged some in a big oval shape in the nave, around some icons and a horizontal wooden cross on the floor. There was some (lots of) Taizé chanting, a reading and then our lot lit the candle.

It was a really high candle, so Toby had a wick on the end of a stick. The first time he tried to light it, he couldn't see the candle wick and his long wick went out. He came back to relight it, he and Luke barely containing their giggles, and fortunately managed to light it second time round. There was an audible sigh of relief from the congregation.

After that everyone light a little night light they had been given and placed it onto the cross in the middle of the nave, until it had candles right up and down it. Looked lovely.

The Minster was alarmingly cold!