I've just got the children into bed after going out this evening to see Steptoe & Son at York Theatre Royal. Rose and I went on a tour round the theatre on Tuesday and liked the look of the set.

We all enjoyed the play, Rose didn't get too tired out and everyone needed pittas and muffins when we got home. The set was great - a very crowded "totters" front room, which opened right out at the end to allow them to depart on their horse from the back.

The play was about the death of father Steptoe (can't remember either of their names - was one of them Harold?) at the hands of his son after years of provocation. The son comes back to the house, which has been preserved by the National Trust, as an old man, and meets the ghost of his father. Most of the play is flash-backs through the two men's lives.

Most of the rest of the day was spent stuffing envelopes for the latest Lammas Records mailshot. Lunch with Lance and Mary.