I carry on trying to play badminton regularly. I've had to miss a few games over the last month or so, as people have been off school so often, but I've played twice this week to try and make up for it.
I still play Simon most regularly, and he still generally beats me
- in fact it was a whitewash this week - oh well I beat him last week for a change. Today I played against Mark, who hasn't played much for ages, so I won fairly easily. However, I think once he loses his rustiness it'll be a different matter as he's got an amazing smash - which just frightens me - when it goes over the net ;-).
John's been at home today, just exhausted I think because of the school play and so on this week. Rose has been to school every day this week - the first time for ages. Toby, of course, is doing his paper round, school, youth club, squash… as usual.