Great Yarmouth!
Got back from Yarmouth last night after an exhausting journey, but having had a great time. The first train journey took 6 hours due to flooding on the tracks so we didn't get in until 7. Had a good first night with me and Josh cooking Pizza with a chocolate pudding and then we went out for a midnight walk along the beach.
The second day was a bit cloudy, but we walked down the beach and went on some of the amusements. Had fish and chips on the pier and went in some of the tacky shops! That used up most of the day. Katie and Jenny cooked tea that evening and then we had a party with some other people staying who had also just finished their GCSEs.
On Wednesday we went down to the beach and it was very sunny. We went in the sea and on Josh's inflatable whale which I bought him for his birthday. Found this lovely cafe on the seafront and bought a toasted teacake, soup and a bread roll for £3 - great value. Got all dressed up and went out for a lovely curry in the evening.
On the final morning we had sausages for breakfast and went for a last walk along the beach, whilst getting ice cream. Had to rush to get the train, but made it in time. Journey took four hours so was still an hour slow, but not too bad. Had a great time and I'll post some pictures when I get them in a bit.
Rose's Race for life has been delayed until July due to rain - so there's still time to sponsor her if you haven't yet! Hope everyone's ok. Bye