Walk in the Wolds
I went for a walk in the Yorkshire Wolds today with David Campbell. We left after dropping children at schools and drove to Kirby Underdale. It was about 8½ miles round trip from there to Thixendale and back. The weather was a bit grey and misty, but it didn't actually rain! In Thixendale we looked at the building that used to be a youth hostel, that I stayed at with Will about 7 years ago. It's now heavily renovated, looking much better and is used as a village hall.
This evening John and Rose have been out to Stomp, a very exciting percussion/dance show with all the Emericks. They came home at about 9:45 very excited and hyper. I have been out to the Scarcroft pub quiz for a bit - with Kjartan comparing the quiz. Shame I won't find out the answers!